4 biggest name in the seafood business here in Singapore, collaborated to form this Paradise. Tung Lok, Jumbo, Seafood international and Palm Beach.
A success in Japan with branches in Osaka and Tokyo, and now they decided to finally open in their Motherland. So, how was it?
Well, first and foremost, the place was huge. Brightly lit and spacious.
Service was also fantastic. Polite and efficient waiters and waitresses.
NOw lets get down to the food.

Scallop in Yam Ring- i would have like it if the used the whole scalllop rather than sliced it in third i think coz it was quite thin, but nevertheless, the coating was fried exceptionally and not too oily.
Wasabi prawns- very good, cooked perfectly, and the dressing was just right.
OTAH- very well done as well with chunks of fish inside.
Steam Seabass on eggwhite-

This was delicious. the seabass was cooked perfectly and flaked easuly. The chili micture on top just added wht right kick without being too spicy. The steam egg white absord the juices of the fish so well as it became well flavoured.
Sharkfin and seafood soup,

a tad too salty for me, but the ingredients inside the soups was exceptional, with large bits of crabmeat, scallops, fish and whole peel shrimp.
Sauteed prawn in sweet black sauce-

this was kinda ordinary for me. nothing exceptional
Black pepper crab-

done very well, a bit dry
Chili crab with mantou-

served in a claypot(what is shown is just a serving) to keep the delicious sauce hot. this was very good, the mantou can be a bit bigger though. the sauce was good to the last slurp. we just kept on asking extra mantou to finish the sauce:)
Seafood fried rice.-

again chockful of ingredients. Very nicely done. love it
Chinese dessert-

i dont know what this is called, they say it was good, i am just not into chinese dessert. never was, even when i was a kid.